Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Get Rich Quick Idea # 2

Just a quick one this time: Pinatas made to look like politicians. Hang them in effigy, then beat them until they burst, and get a prize. You could sell Clinton, Kerry and Kennedy and so forth to Republicans, Bush, Reagan, Nixon, and so forth to the Democrats, and some of both to Libertarians.

Make Them realistic enough, and maybe folks will confuse the real politicians for the pinatas, and hang 'em and beat 'em hoping for some candy.


govtsux said...

True, but I mean literal, real-life pinatas--hit them with REAL sticks.

Hey, that's not candy?!

Maybe you need to hit him harder.


Omnipotent Poobah said...


Exactly what makes America great. Equal opportunity bashing!

liberranter said...

Since they're modeled after politicians, fill them with sh*t, just like the real thing.

AWE-SOME marketing idea!

govtsux said...

If we fill them with excrement (so as to be more realistic) we will not encourage people to beat them--folks don't want to release the excrement from its container. Candy or other goodies encourage people to hit the pinatas in hopes of releasing the goodies.