Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Writing, writing, writing...

Same old idiocy at work--I think I get less tolerant every day. I thought I was supposed to mellow with age. It ain't happenin'. I'm getting closer and closer to quitting and heading for the woods.

Anyway, I'v started on another attempt at fiction--I've thrown out all the old stuff and started again. I've got about 3 different story ideas right now. 2 are ones I might serialize online, the other may be suitable for a short story. Don't expect to finish them any time soon--I really need to do plot and character outlines for them. I'm writing a few particular scenes that I have in my head, but I reckon I'll outline around them before I try to write the whole story.

I really don't think I have the talent for fiction, but I may be able to fake the skill for short stories, as long as I don't run too long or do too many. I'd really prefer to hand the stuff over to a real writer, but until one offers to take 'em over, I'll see what I can do.

All three stories are libertarian/anarcho-capitalist in theme. I can't say they're particularly original themes, but we'll see how it works out.

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